About Us
Great people and great worship in an intimate setting. We have a place for you. Join us!
Glorify God: Worship & Music
What does it mean to “Glorify God”? One meaning is that we offer God the praise and worship He deserves as our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, and Friend. Another meaning is that we, as image-bearers of God, reflect God’s nature in our thoughts, words, and actions. We also Glorify God by proclaiming his message and communicating our own relationship.
Grow Disciples: Bible Study & Prayer
Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”
One of the last things Jesus said to us while on here earth was to “make disciples”. We weren’t instructed just to make converts, but to make disciples- that is, people who have embarked upon the exciting journey of following Jesus, and who are continually striving to learn His ways and apply them to their own lives.
Growing in discipleship is an active, not passive process. At Spirit of Hope, we offer several opportunities to encourage Christians to grow spiritually. These include Bible studies, prayer workshops, and fellowship activities. Currently we offer:
- Bible Study for youth and adults, Tuesday evenings at 6:30
- Women’s Bible Study, Friday 1pm
- Youth monthly fellowships (in conjunction with several West District Methodist churches)
Grace Others: Mission & Ministry
Opportunities for Service through Missions and Ministries:
Scripture- both Old and New Testament- is full of emphasis on helping others: the poor, the sick, widows, orphans, homeless, sojourners, the powerless. Repeatedly, Jesus and the prophets instruct believers to be servants.
Working together on service activities is also a wonderful way to get to know fellow worshipers. The slideshow below shows pictures of some of our recent service activities , and below the slideshow you will see a list of current opportunities for service through missions and ministries. Click on the ones that interest you to find more information.
Mission and Ministry Opportunities at Spirit of Hope include:
Justa Center– Barbecues and support projects
It’s Their Mission– Youth mission trips
Habitat for Humanity– Home builds
Foothills Quilters – Quilting for the church and community
Alcoholics Anonymous
West Valley Community Food Pantry
SAWs – Program to provide wheelchair ramps
HART (Helping At Risk Teens) Pantry , Provides nonperishable food for homeless teens through west valley high schools
Walk to End Homeless Supports UMOM (United Methodist Outreach Ministries) New Day Center
Angel Tree – Christmas gifts for low-income children/families through Wesley Community Center
Adult Mission Trips – 3 Day Home Builds in Mexico through 1Mission